BlogGlycerin-What Is It, And How Does It Act On The Skin?

Glycerin for skin

In skin care, some of the best skincare ingredients one can look out for are moisturising and nourishment. Among the numerous types of skincare ingredients, a few of the powerhouses that can alter your routine is glycerin. Whether you have questions about how to use glycerin or what is glycerin, this is the perfect place. Let us discuss everything about glycerin and, most importantly, really understand some properties, uses, and benefits this ingredient can offer to the skin.

What is Glycerin?

Glycerin, also known as glycerine or glycerol, is colourless and odourless and is derived from a variety of fats and oils. It is something that all healthy skin contains in abundance, and this helps skin maintain its moisture. It is a humectant, thus, it attracts moisture from the environment and deeper parts of the skin to the surface of the skin for hydration. This ability to pull water makes it a very desirable ingredient in many skin care products, from moisturisers and serums to cleansers.

How Does Glycerin Work?

It forms a kind of barrier on the surface of the skin, thereby preventing the evaporation of water and maintaining water on the inside. Glycerin exerts its action by attracting water from the atmosphere and dermis into the epidermis. This way, it treats your skin and keeps it hydrated, thus making your skin look better.

This becomes particularly helpful in the case of dry, flaky patches or skin that has compromised environmental factors. During continued use, glycerin formulations can result in a complexion that is even smoother and plumper in appearance simply because it is better looked after, therefore making it an active ingredient that one would not want to be without.

Benefits of Glycerin for the Face

Using glycerin on your face can have several sorts of different benefits:

1. Deep Hydration

Glycerin has amazing properties relating to hydration. It balances the moisture in the skin and, therefore, is recommended for dehydrated skin.

2. Improved Skin Barrier

Glycerin, even though it locks in the skin’s moisture, offers a way of strengthening one’s skin barrier. This can reduce sensitivity, also protecting your skin from environmental aggressors.

3. Smoother skin texture

The constant application of glycerin can smoothen out uneven patches to give an even skin texture. 

4. Non-irritating

Glycerin does not typically inflame any skin type, let alone sensitive skin. It does not irritate or cause allergies, hence, it is dependable for those people who always get reactions.

5. Enhances other ingredients

Glycerin enhances the performance of other active ingredients with which it is combined by delivering these active ingredients deeper into the skin to maximise their benefits.

6. Suitable for all ages

Since glycerin emulates the skin’s natural moisturising factors, it is compatible with all skin types and ages, therefore finding its place in any skincare routine with ease.

How to Use Glycerin in Your Skincare Routine

But if taken properly, you can get the most out of glycerin. Here are a few tricks to help you use glycerin in your daily skincare routine:

One can apply glycerin as moisturisers and creams. 

Glycerin works great when combined with other moisturisers. Look for moisturisers that have glycerin as one of their top three ingredients. Apply it after cleansing your face to seal in moisture.

DIY Glycerin Serum

In a simple glycerin serum, mix glycerin with distilled water in a spray bottle. Quickly mist it on after cleansing or throughout the day to boost hydration instantly.


If you use more than one skin care product, apply those with glycerin before your thicker creams or oils. That way, the glycerin pulls the moisture right into your skin before sealing it in.

Mix with Other Products

Glycerin gives a good cocktail when combined with hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, and other various botanical extracts. Also, find products that combine these for better hydration.

Comfort Inflamed Skin

When the skin feels irritated or ‘stressed,’ apply a product containing glycerin, which will instantly soothe it and hydrate it.

The Final Word

Glycerin is an active skin ingredient with many advantages. Hydrating, virtually compatible with any skin type, and capable of enhancing other ingredients, it is indispensable for every skincare routine. From dry to oily and somewhere in between, regardless of your skin tone, adding this product to your daily routine can help you find that glow you are looking for.

Direct Care’s collection presents many different skin care products that contain glycerin, among other premium ingredients. Browse through our collection today to find out just what glycerin can turn into in your skin. It is the end of dryness and the beginning of radiantly hydrated skin!


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