BlogUnderstanding How To Manage Your Dry Skin

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Personal care is one of the most important aspects of the human body. With the skin being the body’s largest organ, some find it challenging to take care of it properly or even find the best lotion for their body. This results in dry, itching or irritated skin, proving the need to change your skincare routine and provide your skin with the best body moisturiser that provides extra nourishment.


That being said, in this blog, we help you understand what is dry skin and tips on how to manage it.


What is Dry Skin?

Dry skin is a skin condition that is noticed by having minimal moisture in the defined by not having enough moisture in the epidermis.  Usually, this may be caused by sudden changes in temperature, whether increase or decrease. Due to this, it is advisable to make some changes to your skincare routine, so you can revive dry skin. While changing their skincare routine can be helpful, those frequently suffering from dry skin are recommended to consult a dermatologist for professional help. 


Signs of Dry Skin

While dry skin is a temporary condition, there are so many factors that may contribute to dry skin. Some of the factors include age, health conditions, and the weather,  Although common, dry skin is often a temporary condition, location, just to mention a few. Below are the signs and symptoms of dry skin:

  • Tight skin 
  • Rough looking skin
  • Sensitive or itching skin
  • Skin cracking or peeling
  • Ashy skin patches
  • Irritation 


Understanding The Causes Of Dry Skin

Dry skin is a condition that can affect nearly everyone, although there are individuals who may be born with dry skin. This is why it is advisable to understand the external causes of dry skin, as this may also help eliminate some skin care practices that may pose a threat to your skin.


1. Dehydration 

One of the main causes of dry skin is dehydration, this is because when a person is dehydrated, his/her skin may result in being dehydrated. In other words, it means that your skin will be lacking moisture or water, so automatically your skin can become dry and itchy.


But wait! What can be the factors that may be causing your skin to be dehydrated? Both lifestyle and environmental factors can result in your being dehydrated:  


Environmental Factors

  • Cold winds 
  • Air conditioning
  • Heat


Lifestyle Factors

  • Poor diet 
  • Drinking a lot of alcohol
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Rapid sweating


2. Weather Conditions

Weather conditions such as harsh winds, cold temperatures, and humidity can cause dry skin. This is mainly caused by the sudden change from cold to hot, resulting in affecting your skin’s ability to retain moisture.


Preventions for Dry Skin

For those looking for prevention of dry skin, the good news is here! There are many remedies available to help you deal with dry skin. By changing your skincare routine, you can have that beautiful and radiant skin that you have always wanted.


Diet- it is advisable to consume healthy food that contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins E, A and C. Also, foods such as watermelon, and cucumbers, or even drinking enough water can help to restore hydration levels.


Moisturise Your Skin – Make sure that you are locking in moisture in your skin by applying lotion for dry skin to prevent it from drying out. Consider top-branded body moisturiser options that contain vitamin E for enriched moisturisation


Take Shorter Showers – While most people enjoy long, relaxing baths, it is advisable to limit the time you spend in the shower as this can help you avoid dry skin.


The Final Word

Now that you understand what is dry skin and how to avoid it, it is important to take proactive steps to ensure that your skincare routine is on point. Investing in high-quality products for skincare can help alleviate dry skin. Whether you are looking for the best lotion for your body or moisturiser, consider Direct Care as your one-stop shop.  Our curated collection of body lotion and moisturisers features a wide range of high-quality and effective products from top brands such as Bull Dog, OLAY, Palmer’s, and Astral Original. 

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